Opportunity Culture

Opportunity Culture - Final Application Window Open Now

 Part 1—Why Opportunity Culture®?: What barriers keep teachers and students from experiencing great support and strong learning outcomes? This brief video highlights some of the barriers that Opportunity Culture® school models can remove. For Part 2, see here.

Our school district is part of a growing national movement using these models to extend the reach of excellent teachers, principals, and their teams to more students, for more pay, within regular school budgets. That means great opportunities to have a fulfilling career path full of support.

Why Did We Choose to Use Opportunity Culture® Models?

To provide all students with excellent teaching and help them close gaps and leap ahead, our schools are using Opportunity Culture® models for their teachers and students. These models enable schools to reach every student with excellent teachers and their teams—consistently—while paying teachers more for their extra responsibilities and helping all educators improve on the job and work collaboratively. All pay supplements are funded through reallocations of existing budgets—no temporary grants.

The models create new roles for teachers—through a foundation of the Multi-Classroom Leader® role—and support staff, and they carefully integrate technology to save teachers time and help individualize instruction, often through small groups. The most effective teachers are responsible not only for helping more students but also for helping their peers achieve teaching excellence. Research has shown large student learning gains for students on Multi-Classroom Leader® teams.

In each school, a team of teachers and administrators adopts new roles to reach more students with teachers who have produced high-growth student learning. The team decides what reallocations to make to fund higher-paid roles, how to design school schedules for collaboration at school, how fast to reach all students with excellent teaching, and other design elements.

Schools using these models have attracted large numbers of outstanding educators committed to creating a culture of excellence for students, teachers, and staff. Learn more at OpportunityCulture.org.

Public Impact® supports and trains districts, schools, and partners who share our commitment to reaching every student with excellent teaching every year and to providing outstanding career opportunities to teachers.

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About Our School District

The mission of Cumberland County Schools is to provide a safe, positive and rigorous learning environment to prepare lifelong learners to reach their maximum potential.

Opportunity Culture Salary Differentials

Beginning in fall 2021, 12 schools in CCS will launch their Opportunity Culture plans.

The Opportunity Culture application pool is open. The district will screen applicants for acceptance into the Opportunity Culture pool, from which schools can select applicants who best fit their openings. We are looking for excellent teachers with a track record of high-growth student learning, and outstanding paraprofessionals looking to take on more instructional duties. Review the criteria before applying.